Template Editing

So you’ve just purchased that cute new template and you are all excited about how pretty it’s going to look and how much more business it’s going to bring. But….if only you knew how to actually put the thing up. (Or felt like it. We’ve all been there. lol!) If this is you, no problem. I can do this for you! I will have that template up and ready to go for you on Niteflirt in no time. This service costs only $30 and includes:

  • Adding text to your listing. (Whether you have your own text or would just like for me to come up with a little something for you.)
  • Adding Pictures (For however many placeholders there are in your particular template.) Your pictures will be sized and placed, watermarked, and nudity edited to fit Niteflirt’s standards.
  • Adding your flirt name and/or tagline to the header or footer if applicable.
  • Placing your buttons on the template. I just ask that you please have your coding all set and ready. Also please be sure to lable them to show which button which code belongs with which. Doing this is your responsibility as I do not do this.
  • Placing your code into your Niteflirt listing.

Sound like something you may need? Email me at hunnyliciousdesigns@gmail.com or just fill out my contact form by clicking HERE.